The Buckeye Conference Is Formed1926
Football Team Wins the OAC Championship1925
The “Battling Bishops” Is Adopted1925
Football Team Is Undefeated in the OAC1923
OWU Acquires Bleachers from Ohio Field1923
OWU Plays OSU in the First Game In Ohio Stadium1922
Gauthier Takes over as Head Football Coach1921
The Gridiron on Edwards Field Is Rotated1919
Men’s Soccer Is Dropped as a Varsity Sport1917
The First Game of Intercollegiate Soccer Is Played1913
Lynn St. John Is the New Head Football Coach1909
Rickey and Rife Lead Football Team1907
Edwards Gymnasium is Dedicated1906
The Intercollegiate Athletic Association Meets for the First Time1906
A Baseball Team is Formed1904
Baseball Team Wins 14 Games1904